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Showing posts from December, 2010

On Poetry and the flow of thought

What differs verse from prose? In verse, we have imprinted in words the momentary flash of thought that chooses to illumine our minds. Admittedly in the process of characterization, in the very act of writing it we are destroying the innate nature of the thought i.e the fleeting and completely porous trajectory that it follows in our mind, veering from tangent to tangent as it traces a course from the middle of something prior to the beginning of the next. In essence, the nature of a thought is its non linearity and it's impermanence, its almost purely sensory information. To prevent the confusion of the reader, let me add an interlude: 'thought' here does not refer to the conscious collected assimilation of logically organized data that we do while we 'think things over' or 'ponder'. In my text I refer to the thought as being innately sensory in nature. A carrier of a momentary sensation, a perception, an ephemeral glimpse of a truth that in itself will f...